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Goals: How does the Progress Report update the Goal Target?

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User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Progress Reports

Progress Reports

HR and/or the person who assigned the goal – usually the employee’s manager - will receive these Progress Reports.

Progress reports, submitted by employees, update the system on their performance against set targets. These updates affect the heat map and bar chart, and directly influence the progress graph. For standard goals, the system calculates the percentage of the target achieved and displays this visually in the chart. For inverse targets (e.g., lower values are better, such as attendance or errors), progress is reflected as a higher achievement when the reported result is lower.

As employees submit progress, the system updates the target completion rate accordingly, displaying the percentage achieved in real time. For inverse goals, lower results will indicate better progress, and the progress graph adjusts to reflect this performance, offering a clear, visual summary of goal attainment over time. Managers and HR are notified of these updates, ensuring they can monitor and adjust as needed.

Progress Report

As Progress Reports are received, the system calculates and updates the following:

Target: This is the original target, expressed in units such as money, production items (e.g., bottles, cans, computers), and remains unchanged throughout the reporting period.

Weight: The weight assigned to the goal, indicating its importance relative to other goals, is displayed.

Results: The total results are calculated and displayed based on the progress reports (550+1850+1600+10 = 4010).

% Used: The percentage of the Budgeted Cost used based on the Actual Cost i.e.  

Total Cost/Budgeted Cost * 100

$7,500/$8,000 * 100 = 93.75%

Bar Chart: The system assigns results to the appropriate quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) based on the dates from the progress reports. For example, a report dated 15/05/24 will be assigned to Q2, and a report from 26/09/24 will be assigned to Q3. The percentages are calculated as:

Results for Quarter/Target for Quarter x 100

Percentages are rounded to two decimal points and displayed in the bar chart to track progress over time.

Target Details (Inverse Option)

User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Goals>>Goals>>[Double click Goal]>>Target Details


The inverse setting allows for goals where lower values indicate better performance (e.g., Attendance, Waiting Times, Punctuality, Errors). By checking the Inverse box, you enable low targets, meaning the lower the achieved value, the better the performance outcome.

Home>>My Profile>>My Goals

The following table shows the percentages and colours displayed on the Bar Chart based on whether or not the Inverse button was checked.

Targets/Results/Percentage Value Percentage Inverse (unchecked) Inverse (unchecked)
Target Q1 3
Results Q1 2
66.67% >50 and <80 Orange Yellow
Target Q2 3
Results Q2 3
100% =100 Green Red
Target Q3 3
Results Q3 2.5
83.33% >80 and <100 Yellow Orange
Target Q4 3
Results Q4 1
33.33% <50 Red Green

The legend used showing the colours and percentages are as follows:

Progress Graph

Home>>My Profile>>My Goals>>[Select Goal]>>[+]>>Progress Reports>>Progress Graph

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