Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Qualifications-Related Codes>>Competencies>>Competencies:
Employee competencies are the skills, knowledge, and attributes that contribute to effective job performance and organizational success. Key competencies include Functional Skills like communication and problem-solving; Operational Skills, which are job-specific technical abilities; Personal Attributes such as adaptability and leadership; Relationship Skills that focus on teamwork and collaboration; and Strategic Skills for long-term decision-making and planning. These competencies are essential for hiring, performance evaluation, and employee development.
How does it work?
Competency basic data must first be set up before linking them to jobs:
Step 1: Set up Competency Types
Competency Types/Description: Enter a user defined type and description.
Step 2: Enter a New Competency Record
Competency Name: Enter the user-defined name and code for a competency.
Competency Type: There are five default types available for selection and these cannot be changed by the user. Select the Core Competency Type that best summarizes the capabilities defined in the competency description. The default types are:
- Functional Skills
- Operating Skills
- Personal Attributes
- Relationship Skills
- Strategic Skills
Details: Enter the description of your competency which would apply across a range of jobs in your organization. Alternatively, if the competency is specific to one job, then provide the definition relative to that specific role.
Use in 360 Review: Allows competencies to be used in 360 Reviews. This only works if competencies are linked to the company.
Default Link to Jobs: Allows competencies to be linked to all Jobs by default. This only works if competencies are linked to the company.
Step 3: Enter the Competency Details by Level
Levels 1 through 6: Enter the description of your competency and the behaviors expected at different levels which reflect the variance in complexity, scope and responsibility across jobs.
N.B. Different levels of competencies will be required for different jobs. For example, Microsoft Excel may be a competency required. However, the skill level required in its use may be Level 2 for a Clerk and a Level 5 for an Accountant.
Step 4: Link the Competency to a Company
Step 5: Link Each Competency Level to Standards and associated Points
Standards are set so that the expectations of what is required are known to all. Each Competency must be linked to each standard defined on the rating scale. When filling the performance appraisal form, the manager can then select the appropriate standard that the employee is performing at for that competency.
Competency Level Standards and Points: For each competency Level (1 to 6), select a Standard/Rating Level Description and associated Points (any numerical value) as defined in the Appraisal Rating. The Points indicate the importance of each standard.
N/B. Each Competency must be linked to ALL standards on the rating scale as shown in the example below. This can be done via an import. The Competency Standard Description can be edited as well to add more details which will clarify to the managers when rating the employee on their appraisal, the specific behavior that denotes the standard attained.
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