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How do I set up the Overall Rating used by my company?

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Appraisals>>Performance Setup>>Overall Rating

Overall Rating

The Overall Rating Bands, as set up in the Appraisals, from which the qualitative final rating (Unacceptable, Needs Improvement etc.) is automatically selected is shown below again for ease of understanding:

Rating bands in performance appraisals are predetermined ranges or categories used to evaluate and assess an employee's performance. They provide a framework for assigning a performance rating based on specific criteria and performance indicators. The number and labels of rating bands can vary depending on the organization's performance management system.

It's important to note that specific rating bands and their labels can vary among organizations, where the most commonly used is a five point rating scale. Some organizations may use different scales, such as a three-point scale or a more nuanced ten-point scale. The purpose of rating bands is to provide a clear and consistent framework for evaluating and communicating performance levels to employees.

N.B. The Rating Scale should be Consistent with the other rating scales defined throughout the application.

How does it work?

When the employee's proportional/adjusted score is calculated against each appraisal criteria ( Competencies, Primary Responsibilities, Job Goals ), these are summed to give a final total score. Based on this final total score, the employee's final qualitative rating (Unacceptable, Needs Improvement etc.) is then automatically assigned from the Overall Rating Band.

Define the Overall Rating Bands for Each Rating Standard

Company: Select the company that the rating bands are being defined for.

Rating Standards and Bands: Select the Rating Standard Description from the drop down option. Next, define the numerical rating band as outlined below.

Step 1:

  • Start by selecting the lowest rating standard, E.g. Unsatisfactory. When selected, the lower rating band number will be auto-populated as 0. Next enter the upper limit for that rating band, e.g. 1.99.
  • Note that you must enter this number to two (2) decimal places.
  • Save the record. (See the example in the screen shot above).

Step 2:

  • Select the next rating standard, e.g. Improvement Needed. When selected, the lower rating band number will be auto-populated as the next number in sequence AFTER the highest band width that has already been defined. E.g. Improvement Needed - Lower band number appears as 2. Next enter the upper limit for that rating band, e.g. 2.99.
  • Save the record. (See the example in the screen shot above).

Step 3:

  • Repeat step 2 and continue to define the numerical rating bands from lowest to highest (e.g. 1-10) until completed.

N.B. A company can have an unlimited number of rating bands but the MAXIMUM band must end in 100.

The Overall Rating Shown on an Appraisal Form

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