Talent Management>>HR Events>>Manage Events>>Events
360 Multi-Rater HR Event
Once the teams have been created with questions and employees selected, the HR Event to control and manage the 360 reviews can be set up.
The 360 Multi-Rater HR event is an automated process typically managed by HR, though it can also be initiated by managers. HR can pre-define parameters such as the Appraisal and Performance Period dates, so when a manager initiates the event for their respective teams, these parameters are already set and will automatically populate.
When creating an event, a team does not have to be selected as HR can subsequently link their HR Team(s) to the main event. HR can then invite managers to:
- create their teams and member groups (if this step was not already done)
- view the main 360 event
- link their team(s) to the main 360 event
Alternatively, the Manager can enter their own event description and link their team if the HR naming event is NOT being used.
When the event is set up and the record saved with a team linked, the system does the following:
- Creates all the relevant 360 employee reviews and places it in the "For Review" screen.
- Displays the records according to their Event Status based on the colour-coded legend e.g. all records that are Normal (The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled) will be shown in purple.
- HR/Managers can review the 360 Appraisal Form. Since the form is identical for all employees within a member group, only one record needs to be verified per group.
- In a co-ordinated effort, 360 forms can then be sent to all employees in the team, member group or to selected employees for the feedback process to start.
How does it work?
Step 3. Review the 360 Forms Before Sending to Employees
At this stage, edits can be made to the form if necessary. Questions can be added or removed, and employees can also be adjusted within the member groups by adding or removing them.
Step 4. Send out the 360 Review Form to Employees
When the event is set up and the record saved, the system does the following:
- Moves all the relevant 360 records to the Active view.
- Displays the records according to their Event Status based on the colour-coded legend e.g. all records that are Normal (The event is ongoing and progressing as scheduled) will be shown in purple.
- Sends reminders to the employee’s Inbox re the status of the 360 Multi-Rater HR Event.
- Creates the appropriate records so that employees, on login, can perform the 360 reviews:
- Employee Self-Review - (Home>>My Performance>>My 360 Review).
- Employee Review of others - (Home>>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews).
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