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Who should setup and initiate the 360 Appraisal?

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Manager Self Service>>Talent>>360 

Team Creation and 360 Appraisal Initiation Process

The setup tasks for creating teams, linking member groups, selecting questions for the 360 form, and assigning employees to each group must be completed by the department manager via the Manager Self Serve module. Once the manager completes these tasks, HR will have visibility of all created teams.

By default, managers have access to these features, as configured in the system settings. If managers are not permitted to create teams, member groups, and setup tasks, the configuration should be flagged to hide the feature. When hidden, managers will not see the "Multi-Rater Teams" tab. This can be adjusted in System Configuration under Feature Management with the option "Hide Teams from Manager Self-Service."

Next, HR or each Manager has the responsibility for initiating the 360-appraisal event, depending on company policy. 

How does it work?

Step 1 - HR sets up the 360 Parameters and ALL Questions.

Step 2 - Managers setup teams, member groups, 360 forms and links employees to member groups.

Step 3- HR creates the Event Name (optional)

Step 4 - HR Initiates the 360 Multi-Rater Event for Teams OR Each Manager Initiates the event for their Team(s).

Step 5 - 360 forms for the respective Team can be reviewed by either Managers or HR for completeness. The forms are then sent to employees to start the Review Process.

Step 6 - Employees conduct the 360 Multi-Rater Review.

Step 7 - Employees complete the Multi-Rater Review.

Step 8 - The Summary Report becomes available for viewing.

Step 9 - The 360 Review Period is closed.


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