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How do I link Competencies to a Job?

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Personnel>>Setup>>Organisation>>Structure >> Jobs >> Expand Record >> Job Competencies

Link Jobs to required Competency by Level

To determine the Competency Level required for a job, conduct a thorough job analysis to identify the key skills, knowledge, and behaviors needed. Develop or refer to a competency framework that outlines different competency levels. Match the job requirements to the competency framework, considering factors such as task complexity, decision-making autonomy, and required expertise. Take into account the level of experience and qualifications typically expected for the role, and consider the organizational context and goals. Seek input from stakeholders to validate and refine the determined competency level, ensuring it aligns with the practical demands of the job.

By considering these steps and gathering input from multiple sources, organizations can determine the appropriate competency level required for a job. This ensures that the competency expectations are aligned with the specific needs of the role and sets a clear standard for evaluating employee performance and development.

How does it work?

After the Competencies, Levels and associated points have been created, they must then be linked to each job to which they apply. There are two ways in which the competencies can be linked to a job.

  1. Add each Competency to a Job.
  2. Import the Job Competency Template.

Step 2. Complete the Competency Details

Company Code and Name: This will be auto-filled based on the Company selected in the preliminary search.

Job Code and Name: This will be auto-filled based on the Company selected in the preliminary search.

Competency Code and Name: Select the Competency at the appropriate level that is required for that specific job.

Level and Level Description: This will be auto-filled based on the Competency Level selected above.

Date From: Enter the date from which this competency is relevant to the job within your company. If the competency is time specific, then enter a period.

To Date: If this competency has an expiry date please enter that date here.

Weight: Assign a numerical value to define the weight of the competency based on its importance among all the competencies linked that that specific job. 

By incorporating weighting into the appraisal process, organizations can differentiate between critical competencies that heavily influence job performance and those that are relatively less significant. The weights reflect the relative significance of each competency in contributing to the overall success and performance of the employee based on strengths, weaknesses, and overall contributions in their role. It also helps align performance assessment with the strategic objectives of the organization and the specific requirements of the employee's role.

The total weight assigned to all competencies for each job should add up to 100% to maintain consistency.

Save the record and repeat it to link more competencies to the job.

Step 2: View all Competencies linked to the Job

Alternate to Step 1: Import Job Competencies for Multiple Jobs

Complete the template below for Job Competencies

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