Benefits>>Education Support>>Support Programs>>Annual Assistance
Annual Assistance
Annual Assistance refers to the yearly financial support allocated by the organization for employee educational pursuits. Budgets can be set for each year, category, or discipline, with system alerts triggered when the allocated budget is exceeded.
View/insert/edit/delete annual budgets for education support.
Enter an Annual Assistance Budget

Year: Enter the year the assistance is budgeted for.
Category Code/Type: Select the category of education support. You can enter the same category for different disciplines and vice versa.
Discipline Code/Discipline: Select the discipline of study.
Budgeted Amount $: Enter the budgeted amount for the year.
Please note the following: -
- Duplicate records are not allowed.
- You can enter an unlimited number of budgets within the same year for the various categories and disciplines e.g. in the year 2000, you may have budgets of $5,000, $10,000, $15,000 for Tuition Reimbursement (Assistance Category) for Law, Accounting and Computer Engineering respectively OR you may have budgets for 1999 of $1,000 and $3,000 respectively for Time Off with Half Pay AND Time Off With Full Pay for Geography.
- You are not allowed to edit/delete Annual Assistance records which are referenced later on in the module i.e. records (in the Proposed Disciplines of Study) that are tied to a budget
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