Help SiteTalent ManagementAppraisalsSetup - HR EventsAs an HR Admin, How do I set up the Employee Appraisal Event?

As an HR Admin, How do I set up the Employee Appraisal Event?

The Employee Appraisals event allows appraisees/appraisers to conduct appraisals.  HR has the responsibility of setting up the event.

Talent Management>>HR Events

When the event is created, the system does the following:

  1. Creates the Employee Appraisal event, colour-coding and displaying the records based on their status (Started, Not Started, Completed, Approaching Due Date etc.)
  2. Lists all employees to be appraised and the person responsible for the appraisal under the  Employee Appraisal event (expand the record).
  3. Displays a Create Appraisal button next to each employee record.  HR must click this button to create the actual appraisal form for the respective employee.


Person Responsible:  this is the employee’s direct supervisor set up via  Personnel>>Position>>Reporting Relationships>>Supervisor for an Employee.  If this field is blank, the appraisal form will only be created for the employee.


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