How to conduct a 360 Self review?

Home>>My Performance>>My 360 Reviews

360 Self Review

On log-on, ALL participating employees will be able to access the employee records that they have to review via the Employee Self Service. Employees can do both self-reviews as well as the reviews of others (Project Team, Peers, Manager Rating of Direct reports, etc.).

  1. Employee Self-Review - (Home (ESS) >>My Performance>>My 360 Review).

  2. Employee Review of others - (Home (ESS) >>My HR Tasks>>360 Reviews). 

Step 1: Receive Email Notification

Employees will receive an email notification advising that the 360 Appraisal Form is available.

Step 2: Navigate to My 360 Reviews

Log into the HRplus application. Navigate to HOME>>My Performance>>My 360 Reviews:

Step 3. Conduct the 360 Self-Review

Completing the 360 Review Form


Important Dates:

Appraisal Start and End Dates:  The period during which the appraisal process is conducted, including the completion and submission of review forms.

Performance Start and End Dates: The timeframe being evaluated in the appraisal, representing the period for which the employee's performance is assessed.


Types of Questions

Rating Questions: Select the description that best represents your assessment. The rating points are visible only if enabled; otherwise, only the description is needed.

Open-Ended Questions: Provide detailed answers in the free text fields.


Steps to Complete the Form

Answer Rating Questions: Choose the appropriate description based on your assessment of the employee.

Answer Open-Ended Questions: Fill out any free text answers thoroughly.

Save Progress: Click "Save" to record your answers and return later if needed.


Submit 360 Report: After answering all questions, click "Submit 360 Report" to finalize your responses. 

Note that no edits are allowed after final submission.


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