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How do I punch in/out on my mobile phone?

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Scheduled employees, via their Android mobile phones, can log on to the HRplus Time Mobile Kiosk application and punch in/out to register their in/out times.  

Employees MUST be:

1.  Inside the designated geofence for the punch to be VALID.

2.  Nearby the designated geofence for the punch to be INVALID.  Invalid punches are also captured and displayed via Geofence Logs How do I view Employee Punches?.  It is solely up to the Timekeeper's discretion to post these punches as Valid.

Step 1:  Log on to HRplus Mobile Kiosk

HRplus Time Mobile Kiosk

Employees MUST be in their designated Shift/Schedule/Geofence!

Step 2:  Take Photo and register punch

Step 3:  System verifies punch

Step 4:  System Posts Punch

Step 5:  View Punches in Geofence Logs

HRplus Time>>Geofencing>>Geofence Logs

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