HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules>>[expand a Schedule record]>>Shift Schedule Link>>[New Record]
HRplus Time>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts>>[Search for Company]
Set Up Shifts and Schedules
In order to use the Geofencing option, employees MUST be placed in Shifts and Schedules. In this second step, the setup of Shifts and Schedules is summarised.
Step 1: Set up Shifts
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Shift Parameters>>Shifts
Company: Select your company.
Shift Code/Description: Enter user-defined shifts.
Start/End Time/Shift Cut Off: Enter specified times for the shift.
Mon to Fri Only: Select 'Yes' if the shift is only from Monday to Friday, otherwise select 'No'.
Pay Holidays: Select 'Yes to pay holidays, otherwise select 'No'.
Use Lunch Punch: Select 'Yes' to use lunch punch, otherwise select 'No'.
Salaried/Non Salaried Paid Lunch: Select the method of deduction for lunch punches.
- Deduct Lunch Based On Punches
- Do Not Deduct Lunch
- Deduct Standard Lunch
- Deduct Standard Lunch with Excess
- Deduct Excess Lunch Only
Lunch Start/End Time: Enter the lunch start and end times.
Use Lunch Range: Select 'Yes' if a range is being used for lunch, other select 'No'.
Use Lunch Range From/To: Enter the time range for lunch.
Lunch Time Duration: Enter the amount of minutes for lunch.
Maximum Punch Variance in Minutes: Enter the amount of minutes by which a punch can be varied.
Shifts can be re-used as they are created independently and then linked to Schedules!
Step 2: Set up Schedules
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules
Schedules are user-defined.
Schedule Code/Description: Enter user-defined Codes and Descriptions to identify Schedules.
Enter as many Schedules as you wish!
Step 3: Link Shifts to Schedule
HRplus Time>>Schedules>>Scheduling>>Schedule>>Schedules>>[expand a Schedule record]>>Shift Schedule Link>>[New Record]
Link shifts to schedules. Note the following:
- A schedule consists of a set of shifts.
- An unlimited number of shifts can be linked to a schedule.
- The same shifts can be linked to more than one schedule.
Shifts can be re-used! Link as many shifts as you need to any Schedule/Company! Each record should be unique.
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