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How do I enter an employee's Emergency Data?

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Personnel>>Employees [search for an employee]>>Toggle Additional Details>>Emergency

This window allows you to enter an employee's Emergency Data on their behalf. This can also be entered in the Medical Module as well as by the employee in the Employee Self Serve Portal via the following link How to add my emergency contact in the Employee Self Serve Portal?

As with all other modules in HRplus, the data only has to be entered once in the application and it will appear in the relevant fields of modules where referenced.

Insert/edit/delete/view employee emergency data – medical conditions, blood type, vision, emergency contact person etc.

NB: ONLY ONE (1) record per employee is allowed

  • Begin by entering the Company Code, Company Name, Badge Number, Last Name & First Name
  • Enter the following if this information is available for the employee’s record:
  • Enter the employee’s Blood Type, Height (in cm)
  • Provider Name & Phone Number, Medical Conditions (if any), date of Last Physical, date of Next Physical.
  • Check the Colour Blind and Smoker radio icon when appropriate.
  • Enter the Vision
  • Next, enter the employee’s Emergency Contact data. You may enter up to four (4) emergency contacts.
  • You may enter the Contact’s name, Relation to the employee, Phone number, Cell Phone number, Work Phone and Address where available.

Emergency Plans

  • Click the Edit Emergency Plans button
  • Enter the employee’s emergency plan details and save.  
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