HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device List
HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Company-Device Mapping
HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device-Schedule Mapping
Setting Up the Timekeeping Device
Setting up a Timekeeping Device has a few basic steps you will need to follow. Set up your physical timekeeping device and link it to the Kiosk, then map your company(ies) and schedules to the device.
Step 1: Set up Device Name and link to KIOSK
HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device List
The first step is to set up the physical timekeeping device that will be used to accept employee punches. This device MUST be linked to KIOSK in order to use the Geofencing option.
Consult your IT personnel to set this up!
There can only be one (1) device name that is linked to Device Type: Kiosk!
Company: Select your company.
Device Name: Select the name of the device.
Device Host: Enter the IP address of the device host.
Device Port: Enter the port number of the device.
Device Type: Select Kiosk for the device type.
Time Zone: Select the time zone were the device is located.
Active: Set to the device to active.
Step 2: Map Device to Company
HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Company-Device Mapping
The user-defined physical device, that is linked to KIOSK, MUST now be mapped to the Company/Companies that is/are using the Geofencing option.
Link as many Companies as you wish to the Device!
Step 3: Map Device to Schedule
HRplus Time>>Setup>>Devices>>Device-Schedule Mapping
Link as many Schedules as you wish to the Device!
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