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How do I setup the Mail Server?

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  1. System Configurations >> Company Parameters >> System Constants >> Mail Server

 Clients have the option to use the mail server provided by HRplus or they may use their own. The mail server is normally configured during the implementation phase of a new project. Should you require any changes to your existing setup, please contact your HRplus Helpdesk for assistance.

Mail Server

A Mail Server is an application that receives incoming email from local users and remote senders and forwards outgoing messages for delivery. A computer dedicated to running these applications is also called a mail server. Microsoft Exchange, Exim and Sendmail are common examples of mail server programs.

The mail server works with other programs to create a messaging system. A messaging system includes all the applications necessary to keep email moving smoothly. When an email is sent or notification is generated on HRplus, a program, such as MS Outlook, forwards the message to a mail server. The mail server then forwards the message to either another mail server or to a holding area on the same server to be forwarded later to the email of the intended user.

Mail Server Setup

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