The stages of the Workflow determine the movement of transactions from one person to the next in the approval process.
The Stages start at 1 and are numbered consecutively. You may set up an unlimited number of stages but a minimum of 2 is required.
Two (2) workflow stages MUST also be set up for workflows that ONLY use Reporting Relationships.
System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[expand record]>>Workflow Stages
The setup of Workflow Stages is broken up into multiple articles (Steps 6 to 10), each describing the fields/components on the Workflow Stages screen as follows:
Step 6 - Overview.
Step 7 - Stages. Step 7: Link Workflow Stages to Workflow Processes
Step 8 - Roles. Step 8: Use Roles for Workflow Stages
Step 9 - Auto-Escalate. Step 9: Auto-Escalate Workflow Stages
Step 10 - Add-On. Step 10: Workflow Stages Add-Ons
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