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How to record an accident in my company?

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If an incident occurs, you can keep a record of:

1. The employee(s) involved

2. The Medical and Down-Time costs

3. Equipment involved

4. Date & Time

Navigation: Employee Relations>>Health & Safety>>HSE Incident

  • Click on the New Record hyperlink. It will open to the Incident tab.
  • Select the Company Code and Company Name.
  • Enter Incident Details:
  • Incident Number (how your company identifies each incident record)
  • Incident Date – date incident took place
  • Reported Date – date incident was reported (example to Health & Safety Inspector)
  • Time of Incident – time incident took place
  • Incident Description – enter details of the incident
  • NB: The Name and Badge No is auto populated based on who is logged into the application and cannot be edited.
  • Next click on the Accident Reason tab and select the reason for the accident
  • Next click on the Safety Violation tab and select the relevant safety violation. Several can be selected by clicking on the radio icons.
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