System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[expand record]>>Workflow Stages
Workflow Stages
The stages of the Workflow determine the movement of transactions from one person to the next in the approval process.
The Stages start at 1 and are numbered consecutively. You may set up an unlimited number of stages but a minimum of 2 is required.
Two (2) workflow stages MUST also be set up for workflows that ONLY use Reporting Relationships.
Enter Workflow Stages
The setup of Workflow Stages is broken up into multiple articles (Steps 6 to 10), each describing the fields/components on the Workflow Stages screen as follows:
Step 6 - Overview.
Step 7 - Stages. Step 7: Link Workflow Stages to Workflow Processes
Step 8 - Roles. Step 8: Use Roles for Workflow Stages
Step 9 - Auto-Escalate. Step 9: Auto-Escalate Workflow Stages
Step 10 - Add-On. Step 10: Workflow Stages Add-Ons
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