System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[+]>>Workflow Stages
Workflow Stages
The Stages start at 1 and are numbered consecutively. You may set up an unlimited number of stages but a minimum of 2 is required.
You MUST set up Stage 1 and Stage 2 for workflows that ONLY use Reporting Relationships.
Enter Workflow Stages
- Stage No.: the system will automatically display each Stage number, starting with 1 and continuing in a sequential number for all the stages of the workflow. This cannot be edited.
Process: select the workflow process from the drop-down. These processes were set up in Step 2. Step 2: Set up Workflow Processes
- At Stage 1 - the data entry stage or initialization stage - the workflow process to ENTER a record - ENTER HR RECORD - should ALWAYS and ONLY be selected.
- At Stage 2 - the workflow process to APPROVE a record - APPROVE HR RECORD - should be selected for this stage and any other stage thereafter as it can be used more than once. The workflow supports an unlimited number of approvals.
- At the Final Stage, the workflow process to POST a record - POST HR RECORD - should ALWAYS and ONLY be selected.
3. Form: The following are the two (2) default letters displayed in the drop-down list. You can select either one at any Stage in the workflow:
- HR Transaction Approval Form: the form on which the employee’s transaction is approved/rejected/voided.
- HR Transaction Approval Form with Letter: the form on which the employee’s transaction is approved/rejected/voided in addition to the system-generated letter. If this option is chosen and a template has been set up via Personnel>>Letter Templates, the system will automatically generate the letter and save it in employee documents (Personnel>>Employees>>Toggle Additional Details>>Documents). Step 1: Set up Letter Templates
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