System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definitions
Workflow Definitions
Define the workflow by entering a name, the organization units to which it applies and the Effective Date on which it should be initiated.
It is recommended that the setup of the workflow be completed before the workflow is made active.
Enter the Workflow Definition
- Country, Company, Division, Department, Section: select the workflow criteria - the appropriate combination of Country, Company, Department, Section for which the workflow applies.
- HR Module Type: select, from the list, the specific Transaction Type or ALL HR TRANSACTIONS to which the workflow applies. This list is populated by the list of transaction types set up via Personnel>>Transaction Types. How do I set up transaction reasons?
- Effective Date: select the date on which the workflow will become effective. On initial insert, the workflow is Inactive.
- Save the record and it will be displayed in the list.
It is advised that the workflow be made Active only when the setup is complete.
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