Help SiteStatutories By CountryGuyanaPayroll - GuyanaPayroll Localized - Guyana-NIS Download (Release Notes 29th Sept to 30th Nov 2022))

Payroll Localized - Guyana-NIS Download (Release Notes 29th Sept to 30th Nov 2022))

A dialog button, Apply Insurable Ceiling   Yes   No, was added to allow the user to determine whether or not the insurable ceiling should be applied.  This is how it works.

1. Find the NIS Class in which the employee falls.

Payroll>>Maintenance>>Statutory Deductions>>NI Schedules

2. Check to determine the employee’s salary.

Payroll>>Employees>>Pay Profile>>Prior Periods Payroll Data>>[find employee]

3. Print the NIS Download with Apply Insurable Ceiling = Yes

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Guyana Statutory Reports>>Guyana NIS Download

3.1 The data is generated successfully as shown below:

The highlighted employee's salary is 280,000.00.  On the NI Schedules (Step 1), the value for the Mth Upper is 239999.99 which is rounded to 2400000 in the above report. This indicates that the Apply Insurable Ceiling works.

4. Print the NIS Download with Apply Insurable Ceiling = No

Payroll>>Payroll Reports>>Payroll Reports>>Guyana Statutory Reports>>Guyana NIS Download

The highlighted employee's salary is 280,000.00.  On the NI Schedules (Step 1), the value for the Mth Upper is 239999.99 which is rounded to 2400000 in the above report. This indicates that the Apply Insurable Ceiling works.

4.1 The data is generated successfully as shown below:

The highlighted employee's salary is 280,000.00 which appears on the report  no ceiling is applied.


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