User Self Service>>Manager>>Talent>>Assessment
How to Nominate Employees for the Talent Pool
Once HR initiates the Employee Assessment event, managers can nominate employees within their department for the talent pool by adding them to the event and completing their assessments. This process is designed to focus on critical roles, allowing managers to evaluate only those employees who are potential candidates for succession. Through the HRplus system, managers can easily identify and assess high-potential employees for leadership and key roles.
What are the Steps to Nominate Employees for the Talent Pool?
- Log in and Access the Event: When the manager logs in to the Self-Service portal, they navigate to Manager>>Talent>>Assessment and open the Employee Assessment event. They can select a button that opens a list of employees within their department.
- Select Employees for Assessment: Click on the button that opens a pop-up list of employees within the manager’s department. From this list, the manager can select the employees to assess, focusing on those in critical positions or with potential.
- Generate Assessment Form: Once employees are selected, they will appear under the Assessment event with a button linked to the Assessment form. The manager can click this link to open the pre-configured assessment form.
- Complete the Assessment: The manager fills out the Assessment form for each selected employee to evaluate their readiness and potential.
- Add Additional Employees as Needed: If more employees need to be assessed, the manager can repeat this process to include them in the talent pool event.
- Upon selecting "Submit Assessment Report" an employee record is automatically created and added to the talent pool. The designated Succession Module Administrator (Staff) also receives notifications when a manager submits the final Employee Assessment Report.
- This allows HR to proceed with the successorship evaluation process.
Step 1. Manager Selects Employees for Assessment
Step 4. The Manager Rates the Employee
The Manager fills out and rates the employee on the assessment form, and upon submission, the employee is added to the talent pool.
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