System Configurations>>Workflow>>Workflow Definition>>[expand record]>>Workflow Stages
Roles for Workflow Stages
Set up the roles involved in the workflow process. Roles indicate the part or function played in the workflow approval process e.g. 1st Approver, 2nd Approver or Level 1, Level 2 etc.
Enter New Workflow Stage
Stage Approver: There are two options to select from for the workflow:
- Reporting Relationships - Employee to Direct Supervisor
- Role / Alternate Role - A selected Job Position and an Alternate Job Position
The system will send the HR Transaction to the employee’s Direct Supervisor for approval/review as set up in the reporting structure of HRplus (Personnel>>Positions>>All Positions (Filled and Vacant)). Or, the system will send the HR Transaction to the Position or Alternate Position for approval/review as set up in the Step 5: Define Workflow Roles.
4. Stage Approver: Select Reporting Relationships or Role / Alternate Role:
- At Stage 1, the Approver should ALWAYS be set to Reporting Relationships as this is the record creation or initialization stage.
- At Stage 2 and thereafter, the Approver can be set to Reporting Relationships or Role / Alternate Role. If Role / Alternate Role is selected, then select the 1st Approver and 2nd Approver from the drop-down list.
- At the Final Stage, the Role can be set to Reporting Relationships or Role / Alternate Role. If Role / Alternate Role is selected, then select the 1st Approver and 2nd Approver from the drop-down list.
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