Help SitePersonnel ManagementPersonnelSetup - General CodesHow do I enter a Police Character certificate for an employee?

How do I enter a Police Character certificate for an employee?

Personnel>>Organization Setup>>General Codes>>Police Station

Police Station

An employee may be required to submit a police certificate of good character to their employer. To log this information, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Enter the Police Station for the Certificate Record

Police Station Code/Description: Enter user defined code and description for the police station.

Step 2 - Option 1: HR Enters the Employee Police History Details

Personnel>>Employees>>[Select Employee]>>Toggle Additional Details>>Police History

Name: Enter the name of the police report.

Comments: Enter comments about the police report.

Issued By (Police Station): Select the police station which issued the police report.

Date Expired: Select the expiration date of the police report.

Date Submitted: Select the date of the police report.

Upload File button: Upload a copy of the police report.

Step 2 - Option 2: Employee Submits Police History

HR Approves Changes submitted by Employee

Personnel>>Personnel>>Transactions>>Employee Entries>>Police History

Step 3: View Employee Police History

Home>>My Profile>>My Profile>>Police History


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