Help SitePersonnel ManagementPersonnelPositionsWhat is a Position Re-Organisation?

What is a Position Re-Organisation?

The Positions Re-organisation feature allows you to re-organise your company’s structure and make changes to filled positions whilst maintaining the integrity of your data.

This feature can be used when physical changes to the company’s structure occur through down-sizing, expanding, relocating etc. or when internal operational changes are made such as Pay Group changes, Job Name changes etc.

The Positions Re-organisation allows you to work within batches so that information can be changed for multiple positions in one batch.

A Position Re-Organisation can be conducted in any of the following Modules:

1. Personnel >>Personnel>>Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation

2. POWERpay>>Employees>>Payroll Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation

3. Time and Attendance>>Employees>>HRplus Time Positions>>Positions Re-Organisation

The steps to complete a Position re-Organisation can be found in this article: How to conduct a Positions Re-Organisation


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