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Using the Leave Module: A Detailed Guide

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The HRplus Leave Module is designed to streamline leave management processes for businesses. The system caters to diverse organizational needs with features like:

  • Flexible Leave Type Configuration: Users can define unlimited leave types with unique accrual rules, rollover policies, and eligibility criteria. This allows for compliance with varying legal requirements and company-specific benefits packages.

  • Automated Leave Calculation and Recalculation: HRplus automates leave accrual based on predefined rules and employee data. Manual recalculations are also possible to accommodate special circumstances.

  • Employee and Manager Self Service: Employees can submit leave requests and track their balances and requests. Managers can approve/reject requests and monitor their team's leave calendar.

  • Comprehensive Reporting: Various reports offer insights into leave balances, projected entitlements, leave history, and more.

Leave Setup

A. Leave Types (Benefits >> Leave >> Leave Setup >> Leave Types)

This section forms the foundation of the Leave Module, enabling administrators to configure different leave categories available to employees.

  • Key Fields:Leave Type Code & Description: Unique code (max. 5 characters) and description for each leave type (e.g., VAC for Vacation, SICK for Sick Leave).

  • Company Leave Policy: A text field to store the company's policy regarding the specific leave type (e.g., accrual rate, eligibility criteria, rollover limits).

  • Leave Type Unit: Define whether the leave is tracked in days or hours.

  • Default Amount: Specifies the default leave entitlement for the leave type.

  • Apply To: Define if the leave type applies to all employees, men only, or women only.

  • Years of Service Required: Set the minimum years of service required for an employee to be eligible for the leave type.

  • Accumulate Unused Leave: Determine if the leave type is cumulative (rolls over) or non-cumulative.

  • Limit Accumulation per Year/Total Accumulation: Set limits on how much leave can be rolled over each year or the total accumulated leave balance.

  • Calculate Return Date Using: Define how the employee's return date is calculated (calendar days, working days, excluding holidays, etc.).

  • Reset Leave Date/Interval: Specify the frequency at which the leave balance resets (daily, monthly, annually, on anniversary date, etc.).

  • Other Settings: Control various aspects like automatic posting of leave, visibility of leave types with zero balance, and overbooking restrictions.

B. Leave Rules (Benefits >> Leave >> Leave Setup >> Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules/ Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules)

This section allows administrators to define granular rules for different employee groups and criteria, overriding the default settings defined in the Leave Type setup.

  • Types of Leave Rules: Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules: Define accrual rules for cumulative leave types based on parameters like years of service, employee status, salary grade, job title, etc.

  • Non-Vacation/Non-Cumulative Leave Rules: Configure entitlement rules for non-cumulative leave types based on similar parameters.

C. Leave Overrides (Leave>> Leave Overrides)

Administrators can use Leave Overrides to create exceptions to the standard leave rules for specific employees or groups. This is useful for handling unique situations not covered by the general rules.

  • Types of Overrides: Non-Vacation/Non Cumulative Leave Rules: Override the standard non-cumulative leave entitlement for a specific employee.

  • Vacation and Other Cumulative Leave Rules: Override the standard accrual rates or limits for an employee's cumulative leave.

  • Employee On and Off Days: Define specific working and non-working days for an employee, particularly useful for shift workers.

D. Scheduler (Leave>> Leave Setup>> Scheduler)

The Scheduler automates essential Leave Module tasks, ensuring leave data remains up-to-date and calculations are performed regularly.

  • Key Tasks: Manage Leave Entitlements: Calculates and updates employee leave entitlements daily, considering leave types, rules, and overrides.

  • Post Leave Transactions: Automatically posts approved leave requests and updates balances.

 Leave Transactions

This section covers the functionalities related to managing employee leave requests, approvals, and record-keeping.

  • Leave Taken: Record employee leave, specifying the leave type, dates, time off (if applicable), and reason.

  • Pay in Lieu of Leave Taken: Process payments for employees "selling back" accrued leave.

  • Punctuality: Record and track employee late arrivals and their impact on work hours.

Self-Service Portal

The Self-Service portal enables employees and managers to actively participate in the leave management process.

  • Employee Self Service: Employees can:

  • Submit new leave requests.

  • Track the status of their leave requests (pending, approved, rejected).

  • View their leave balances and history.

  • Manager Self Service: Managers can:

  • Approve or reject leave requests from their team members.

  • View their team's leave calendar to anticipate potential staffing issues.

Leave Insights

  • Leave Balances: View current leave balances for individual employees or departments.

  • Projected Leave Entitlements: Analyze projected leave balances based on accrual rates and future dates.

  • Leave History: Review historical leave data for auditing and analysis.

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